Monday, April 25, 2011

A happy little Easter weekend

Happy Easter to all of you!

We've been having a great weekend over here in Vancouver, BC. 

The sun was shining, and the air was the warmest it's been this year so far.


We started it all off on Thursday, with a little late-morning tea at the Secret Garden Tea Company.

Kind of a crazy thing to do with 3 little boys in tow (Toby, Finn and cousin Fenton).

Ok...a *really* crazy thing to do.

But we did it.

We took the boys out for a tea party.

And look at them! They LOVED it!

They look deceivingly angelic here.....hehe......let's just pretend they were, for the purpose of this post :)

Fenton looked so dapper in his little cap :) He was somewhat mesmerized by the mini gong show down at the other end of the table.

It was Dayna's birthday a few weeks back, and we'd been trying to make it down here since then....but between family-wide stomach bugs, and the like, it took us this long to finally make it happen!

We are so excited to have our Granny here from Ireland for another 2 months!! (she was meant to go home a few weeks back, but it turns out that it's better for her to stay until June). She is so lovely in every way. (My mom's mom) She sings to the boys, and sneaks them treats, and they love their "GG" :)

After the tea house, we came home and did some spring cleaning.

Finny just realized it wasn't getting done, so he took it upon himself to get the place into shape ;)

On Saturday morning, we had breakfast with the Easter Bunny.

This was as close as Toby was getting....he did manage a cute little wave, though.

It was at our local rec center and they did a great job!

The best part was, of course, the egg hunt!

Busy busy boys....heads distractions.......hardcore dino tattoos and all ;)

Tobes and Molly seemed fairly pleased with their "booty" :)

(is that a word??...or does it just mean bum?;) hehe

Finny was a champion egg-finder.....except he would put all his eggs in random kids' baskets...

He became quite popular with the older crowd ;)

A couple shots of spring in our front I sat on my chair in the sunshine, watching the boys playing around. 

I'm looking forward to many, many more days like this :)

Bring on the summer!!!!


  1. Your boys are so beautiful, I love their outfits. And I love that you took them to Tea. I did that with my older son back when he was about a year old. They may be a handful but its good to expose them to a variety of experiences. Glad you had a nice Easter!

  2. Adorable how lucky you are to have granny in for a visit from Ireland! My family is from over there too but they all live here now, I just love Irish accents!


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