Ever heard of Swanky Beans?
If not, then you're definitely missing out on one of life's finest delicacies.
The smoothest cup of coffee that the world has to offer!!
I'm serious.
I was so lucky as to get my little hands on a box of this stuff (thank you Dustin!), and after a much-anticipated wait for the french press to work its magic, I was in heaven.
I tasted the "Confident Bean" which had a really subtle almost chocolatey/nutty flavour to it. Amazing.

And check out the packaging!
So unique and modern....and entirely different from any other coffee packaging.
It's a perfect little gift, wrapped and ready to go :)
Inside the box is a heat-sealed kraft paper coffee bag, finished off with the same thick grosgrain ribbon as on the outside of the package.
There are four different varieties of beans...
Love the names, love the idea behind this product.
What a great gift for the guy/girl/dad/mom who has everything :) I'm pretty sure they won't have tried this yet! It's every true coffee connoisseur's dream to try the famed Kopi Luwak coffee.
You can read more about it here at the Swanky Beans site.
hmmm I can smell it all the way here...off I go to see more
ReplyDeleteamazing packaging!
I love a really good cup of coffee. Thanks for sharing. These are great gift ideas!
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting this article. This is very helpful since Christmas is coming.
ReplyDeleteMmmm... I am a coffee addict must try these beans! Where can you get them?
ReplyDeleteI love my coffee too, wonder if they are available here in Australia. I am so glad I found your special place here. Thanks for sharing. I will follow on my way out so as I would love to visit again. I hope you will find the time to come visit my place and do the same. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and I look forward to engaging and supporting your blog in the New Year. Cheers SpecialK XoXo
ReplyDeleteتشير الحشرات إلى الآفات وناقلات الأمراض كالبق والعناكب وعث الملابس والمن والخنافس والبعوض والبراغيث والدبابير والنحل والنمل والفراشات وغيرها الكثير، تعد عضوًا لفئة تسمى phth Arthropoda والتي تنتمي إلى animal phyla، تمتاز بصغر حجمها واجسامها المجزأة وأرجلها المفصليِّة وهياكلها الخارجيّة العظميِّة، يمكن تمييزها عن غيرها من المفصليات عن طريق أجسامها المقسمة إلى 3 مناطقٍ رئيسةٍ؛ الرّأس والصّدر والبطن، بالرّغم من اعتبار الإنسان الحشرات مفيدًة جدًّا لدورها في تلقيح النباتات واستخدامها في تطبيق العديد من الدّراسات البيولوجيّة والعمليات الفسيولوجيّة إلّا أن الكثير من يبحث عن طرق للتخلّص ولمكافحتها في المنازل، لذلك في هذا المقال سيتم التعرِّف على طرق مكافحة حشرات المنزل وبعض النّصائح والتوجيهات التي تسهم في منع ظهورها.[١]
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