Sunday, October 21, 2012

A Yellow Bumble Bee Birthday Party!

I have turned into the worst blogger ever. last post was Toby's first day of school! 

Oh well. 

That's life. And blogging certainly doesn't take priority over more pressing matters like keeping two small boys (and one small baby-in-the-belly) alive, happy and healthy :) Isn't that what moms do??  Sounds pretty important, when you put it like that, right? ;) 

I promised I would keep this birthday party simple. Not to burn myself out. But if you just saw my little Finny, and the look of sheer wonder and excitement on his face  when he saw his "Lellow Pawty Woom"  (translation: Yellow Party Room) :) 

He has been talking about having a "Lellow Pawty" for at least a month or two.....with "a few lellow bumbo bees" of course :) 

How could I not?? One look from those big hazel eyes, and I'm in too deep ;). 

So...a Yellow Party it was! And was a really easy one to decorate for! I hardly did any sort of "crafting" at all. Honestly. 

The only thing I actually made was the "Finn is 3" bumble bee banner (made with paper plates and a stencil, as usual) and two big poster-board bees.  Other than that, I shredded up some plastic table cloths from the dollar store, so that they looked like a fringe of sorts, and strung some yellow "caution tape" all around the room (the plain yellow kind.....not the kind that says CAUTION) :).  I found some little felt bumble bee stickers at the dollar store, and stuck them around in random places so that there were bees everywhere.

Finny requested that there be "lots and lots of lellow balloons!!", balloons there were!

Oh ya...I forgot about making these little bumble bee antenna headbands. I just hot-glued some yellow ribbon on the headbands, and then twisted black and yellow pipe cleaners together to make the stripy bee effect. 

According to one small 3 year old boy, this party would need to have a cake and "cupcapes". Not one or the other. Both!  

The bumble bee cake was really easy to make. I just baked two cakes in pyrex bowls, and then used a star shaped tip to pipe the buttercream icing all over (I wanted it to look fuzzy)

Isn't he quite cute? :)

The cupcakes were super simple....just piped icing and little sugar bees (that I ordered on Amazon)

And I had to be the "mama bee" of course. Finny's request. (Man, he had a lot of requests!) Of course, I obliged.....I'm kind of a sucker for dressing up :)

The invitations were a lot of fun to make. I used a picture of Finn in his bee costume, and then edited it in PicMonkey. I had the pictures printed on foam board and then used a craft knife to cut them into jigsaw shapes. Finny loves doing puzzles, so he thought this was "wonduhful!!" :) I packaged the puzzle pieces up in a little kraft paper box, with some yellow shredded tissue paper, and they were ready to go!

The goodie bags were Finny's idea as well. He thought a bag full of "lellow shtuff" would be just perfect.  So that's what we did...a little yellow bag, filled with random yellow things.

There was a small bee trying to sneak a little taste of the cake!

The cake was a hit with one small man, anyways!

He happily sat on the chair and enjoyed every single bite. Eyes closed and all :)

We had a yellow monster truck pinata....filled with random little dollar store toys. I think some of the bigger boys had fun with this!

Mr. Birthday Bee ....handing out the antenna headbands to all his "guests" 

The big brother bee in all his yellow duct-taped glory :)

So...there you have it. Our very yellow weekend. And all so worth it to hear my little Finny say "You awe the best mama in the whole wide wowold....this pawty is so wonduful. It's so lellow and it makes me want to smile!!" :) :)

And that's why we do it. ;)


  1. oh my gosh so cute!
    I love all the little details and you captured them bee-utifully ;)
    we had a bee themed gender reveal party last year, but it had nothing on this.
    great shot of Michelle!

  2. Tracey, this is AWESOME. You are so talented and I love that you take the time to make things so special for your cute kiddos. And what a joy when it is so appreciated! I enjoy your blog and all the fb pictures of your boys and their cute cousin too:) And congrats on #3! How exciting.

  3. It was awesome! As usual!! Finny was the cutest little bumblebee ever and you were the most darling mama (queen) bee!
    Thanks for the scrumptious GF cupcake too!!! Devoured that in a nanosecond! xoxo

  4. How adorable! Your boys are special!

  5. oh my goodness!! this is the best party ever!! I am so awe-inspired at the amazing birthdays that so many moms just whip up. All of these pictures are gorgeous :)

  6. I just came across this post of yours, and though it's several months later I just had to let you know that this is seriously one of the cutest birthday party set-ups I have ever seen!! So adorable!! Fantastic job!

  7. Loved the simplicity and cuteness of this party and all the details you created for your son's party! Adorable :) I died with that paper honeycomb bee, I've never seen it before! Where did you find them? (not that I could get them if they aren't selling it online, I'm from Brazil! Lol xD)

  8. Such a cute little take on some very specifically-general requests! Great job. Love the invite idea!

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